I grew up a dancer with 15 years on the international Irish dancing stage. Endless hours of practice, travel, tears, sweat, etc. I loved it. And I was good too, really good. But I got burned out. I reached the height of my career and left to go enjoy college, other sports ... essentially anything other than structured dance. I continued to love being on the dance floor whenever I could but before this class I hadn't stepped foot in a studio in 6 years.
I went to a school with a lot of international girls so I was introduced to Kpop way before BTS was even a thing (Bi Rain fans anyone?). I was always amazed at Kpop groups performances but never thought that it would be anything more to me than just a fun genre of music to bop to in the car.
This past winter I found myself desperately missing the dance studio, but I was too chicken to join a proper one, since I hadn't done anything outside irish dancing and I wasn't sure if I'd be match up to others who hadn't been on a hiatus for 6 years.
Oddly enough I remember googling "Kpop dance classes in Dallas" and this group/studio/community popped up. "Open classes with no experience required" - I signed up two months ago and can confidently say that this dance class has become the highlight of my week.
Chantha and David are the most encouraging, kind-hearted, and talented teachers I could have ever hoped for. They're incredibly talented in their craft and it shows every week. Not to mention they LOVE teaching. I'm fairly certain not one person leaves that class without learning something new and a smile on their face. Not to mention, everyone is incredibly nice and welcoming; as I've found the Kpop community to be.
As for me? I'm absolutely thrilled to be back in the studio. I'm being challenged, learning new things, improving, and most importantly, finding my passion again for dance. I owe Chantha and David a lot for that - thank you.